| Product sales, especially for new products, are influenced by many factors These factors are both internal and external to the selling organization, and are both controllable and uncontrollable Due to the enашщшэormous complexity of such factors, it is not surprising that product failure rates are relatively high Indeed, new product failure rates have variously been reported as between 40 and 90 percent Despite this multitude of factors, marketing researchers have not been dбимосeterred from developing and designing techniques to predict or explain the levels of new product sales over time The proliferation of the internet, the necessity or developing a road map to plan the launch and exit times of various generations of a product, and the shortening of product life cycles are challenging firms to investigate market penetration, or innovation diffusion, models These models not only provide information on new product sales over time but also provide insight брккоon the speed with which a new product is being accepted by various buying groups, such as those identified as innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards New Product Diffusion Models aims to distill, synthesize, and integrate the best thinking that is currently available on the theory and practice of new product diffusion models This state-of-the-art assessment includes contributions by individuals who have been at the forefront of developing and applying these models in industry The book's twelve chapters are written by a combined total of thirty-two experts who together represent twenty-five different universities and other organizations in Australia, Europe, Hong Kong, Israel, and the United States The book will be useful for researchers and students in marketing and technological forecasting, as well as those in other allied disciplines who study relevant aspects of innovation diffusion Practitioners in high-tech and consumer durable induбтзпыstries should also gain new insights from New Product Diffusion Models The bookis divided into five parts: I Overview; II Strategic, Global, and Digital Environments for Diffusion Analysis; III Diffusion Models; IV Estimation and V Applications and Software The final section includes a PC-based software program developed by Gary L Lilien and Arvind Rangaswamy (1998) to implement the Bass diffusion model A case on high-definition television is included to illustrate the various features of the software Among the book's many highlights are chapters addressing the implications posed by the internet, globalization, and production policies upon diffusion analysis.
| Цена 30 руб. |
| | Трагедия `Борис Годунов` - одно из ярчайших и сложнейших произведений пушкинского гения Изучаемое в ВУЗе, а теперь и в школе, оно остается все еще недостаточно освоенным методически Материалы сборника помогуашщшат студенту, школьнику, учителю - словеснику и ВУЗовскому преподавателю постичь содержание, увидеть особенности поэтики и пушкинского творения, прочитать, осмыслить произведение и донести его смысл до своих учеников Содержание Борис Годунов Пьеса c 3-90 Коммбимнцентарии Комментарии c 91-122 Исследования `Борис Годунов` в контексте творчества Пушкина Статья c 124-131 `Формула` русской истории: Пушкин и Карамзин Статья c 132-148 `Судьба человеческая, судьба народная`: о смысле трагедии `Борис Годунов` Статья c 149-171 Духовный центр трагедии `Борис Годунов` Статья c 172-185 Юродивые Древней Руси и образ Николки Статья c 186-196 `Борис Годунов` как стихотворное единство (проблемы стиля) Статья c 197-210 бркйэ Пушкинские традиции в исторической драматургии второй половины XIX века Статья c 211-233 Личность и творчество Пушкина в духовно - религиозной критике Статья c 234-252 Моделирование уроков `Борис Годунов`: уроки в 10 классе Статья c 253-272 Материалы для самостоятельной работы Статья c 273-294 Библиография Комментарии c 295-301 Автор (показать всех авторов) Александр Пушкин О жизни и творчестве великого русского поэта создано множество документальных и художественных произведений - в этом ряду книги ЮЛотмана, НЭйдельмана, МЦветаевой, ПЩеголева, ЮТынянова, - и невозможно втиснуть бурную и полную событий жизнь Пушкина в .
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| The First Year as the CEO of a Company is an authoritative, insider's perspective on strategies for succeeding as a CEO in the first year at a new company Featuring CEOs representing some of the top companiesашщшн in the nation, this book provides best practices for gaining credibility, establishing expectations, and encouraging a culture of open communication all in the initial twelve months on the job Aware that the departing CEO can serve as an invaluable resource to the inбимобcoming chief executive, the authors describe how to leverage this relationship for results, along with the other crucial introductions that must be made proactively Driven by the demand for today's CEO to act quickly and concisely in this competitive business climate, the authors explain how to gauge the effectiveness of the current company strategy, obtain input from the management team, and present a vision that new colleagues will embrace These authors walk through how to best beбркйюcome familiar with the new company's people, products, and practices Underlining the opportunity to bring a fresh perspective to a company strategy, the authors explain how to examine and potentially discard the old way of doing things in favor of a more efficient method of achieving goals The breadth of perspectives enable readers to get inside some of the leading executive minds of today, as they offer up their thoughts around the keys to assuming the role of the new CEO Inside the Minds provides readers with proven business intelligence from C-Level executives (Chairman, CEO, CFO, CMO, Partner) from the world's most respected companies nationwide, rather than third-party accounts from unknown authors and analysts Each chapter is a future-oriented look at where an industry, profession or topic is headed and the most important issues for the future Through an exhaustive selection process, each author was chosen by the editorial board to author a chapter.
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