| Sorry if bad English. Here I'll show all my methods tocorrect vision naturally based on methods of Bates.
The structure of the eye: 1. Winking muscle. 3. Longitudinal (recti) muscle, leads the eye upward. 7. Longitudinal (recti) muscle, leads the eye down. 4. Longitudinal (recti) muscle, leads the eye to the right. 5. Longitudinal (recti) muscle, leads the eye in left. 8. Lower transverse(obliques) muscle. 2. The upper transverse(obliques) muscle. 6. Visual nerve
In nearsighted - disordered transverse(obliques) muscles number 8 and number 2. In farsighted - disordered longitudinal muscles № 5, № 4, № 7 and number № 3.
Disorders of oculomotor muscles are call astigmatism. |
| An American scientist William Horatio Bates (1860-1931) proved, that the accommodative nervous system in 6-x oculomotor muscles! Bates dedicated his life to study the human eye. Pupil - when viewed the eye, pupil seems black, but this is actually the lens. Ciliary muscle (photosensitive) forms the pupil himself, regulates only the amount of light, shrinking and expanding, and the main function of good vision lies on oculomotor muscles. Through pupil light hits to the lens. The cornea and sclera do not have any relation to the vision. For details, see medical mistary. Let the eyes without the oculomotor muscles, condition like a newborns, the muscles elastic and smooth and do not press on the eye, in such state, due to excess pressure eye becomes like a ball, acquires a symmetric form, eyesight in that eye is 100% percent vision, it means +1.
| Well, let's start training!
From experience I'll say, for example, if you sat at a computer 15 years, or wore glasses at least 10 years, you will need a minimum of 9 years to improve vision to 100%! This is call a fast method of vision correction. We take these training spectacles number 1, no lenses, empty. 1. Begin to draw eyes dial, around the axis points. Dial can do so, usually training neck whirling a head and in that process try to whirl eyes. 50 times in one direction, and 50 times to another direction. After each exercise should be blinked 1-2 seconds, on wishes. 2. Make a diagonal (we do all the exercises in glasses № 1). Diagonal is a like a looking right and left, left - it means looking the top of the glasses, right - it means looking at the bottom of the glasses. Do the same in reverse. In the left - look in the bottom of the glasses, right - look to the upper part of the glasses. All do 50 times one side and the other side. Diagonal do with a little sharp movements, helping with your head. 3. An unique exercise: Put(push) your finger with a light power to the below cartilage of the ear and move your jaws right and left with light little sharp movements. Do not be afraid if you hear crunching. Crunching is an astigmatism of oculomotor muscles! With finger locate the point which would be crunch. 50 times to the right side and 50 times to the left side. The most powerful exercise. Open your mouth with power and close slowly with the power, as if you break the nuts. Checking exercise. Not recommended to do every time.
Exercises № 1 № 2 № 3 especially need to do short-sighted, the myopic have astigmatism muscle number 8 and number 2, as well as short-sighted should to do exercise number 4 and number 5, too Transverse muscle number 8 and number 2 are use to see closer objects.
4. Exercises up and down. You can help head do the exercises. Do 50 times. 5. Exercise the right and left. Do with a little sharp movements helping your head. Do 50 times.
Exercise number 4 and number 5 especially need to do farsighted. And also do exercises № 1 № 2, № 3, too. Hypermetropic has astigmatism longitudinal muscles № 3 № 7 № 4, and № 5. The longitudinal muscle № 3 № 7 № 4 and № 5 areresponsible for view a distant objects.
All exercises № 1 № 2 № 3 № 4 and № 5 need to do every day and several times in the day! Several times - it means to do 3 times in the day. After 2-3 month should to start raising the load 100 times each exercise in 3-4 approach 2 times or once in a day. It is the same if you do the gym in the first time in your life and strain your muscles, and after the next day you will get muscles ache, ache will be such, that you could not get up from the bed. Same is with your eyes muscles. For the first time will be ache very much, but if you do for first time during a week too much exercise, then you'll get such hellish pain in your eyes, that you'll curse all the world and do not do this any more. Drink Metamizol sodium, if eyes pain will be unbearable.
After last exercise drip to the eyes a Propolis. And also it is desirable to drink Propolis teaspoon every day on empty stomach. If you smoke, drink propolis is not necessary, is not compatible! The extract of propolis is called Hey Pee Wee, here's a link, here you can get acquaint with Propolis During these training you will see double, and may even be triple items, because some muscles are relaxed, and some are still tense. You should increase your training every month and after half of year training, will no more eyes ache with larger loads of training.
Especially train those places that will crunch and crackle, in several approaches, do as many times as muscles can.:) During the training process, you'll see how they can be especially trained.When you hear that something crumbled it means there was an extension of a muscles. That means good. Also train the ciliary muscle. How to train, see -> here For IT. Move your monitor farther and farther, as vision will improve, that would be less strain transverse(obliques) muscles. When your mind realize that the vision comes back, then these trainings will bring you an unique pleasure. Do not think when, just exercise every day. You never cared your eyes, and you want that they will serve you. Have perfect eyesight requires hard work and a lot of time. No perfect vision while these muscles crunches and crackle will not pass.
Important. Pirate glasses. American scientist William Bates in his days invent a mystery of human vision. It is appeared, that the nervous system of the eyes is constructed like that, when one eye is close (ie, does not see), then during each blinks, eyes trying to focus again, this method train all oculomotor muscles in both eyes! Only this method allows you to develop a vision more then 400%, yes, yes, this is real and proved!
Pirate glasses are ordinary glasses (without lenses), only one side is closed completely with black material. Confound it be, all these trainings listed above, if you do not always use pirate glasses. Well, read, write, watch TV, play at the computer, working on the computer, just been at home, work in the office, working at a computer in the office with one-eyed pirate glasses! When feel fatigue change one side to another. Not permited to be in pirate glasses when driving, lost orientation! What can we do to people who already wear crutches? How they will get rid of them? From crutches, from your glasses that you wear will need to close one side, thus you give the muscles work. Each half of the year you will fit weaker and weaker glasses. And those who wear contact lenses, wear lenses with a pirate glasses. It is high time to change the crutches when lenses will cut your eyes, weaker lenses of course. After a long work on computer in pirate glasses if you'll notice that nothing can be see, it is time to do Palming. Palming - is relaxation of oculomotor muscles. Rubbed hands to warm and made both hands to the eyes without touching the eyes. Feel the warmth of your hands for 5 minutes! Hands lifted, but eyes are closed. Made training with closed eyes - head up and down and side to side 10 times. Print table Snellen on A4 paper, and hang on the wall. After Palming look at the table. The strongest Palming - is to watch with closed eyes to the sun. Good palming is a good night dream. The workplace for the eyes - is that, the lamp would not light in your eyes, and let light hit to the wall where hangs table Snellen. You should only see reflected light, not direct.
Optic nerve (retina) - it is a macula, a yellow body-fitting semi-circle inside the eye. In the center of the macula there is a dark pit, very sensitive, if there gets the focus then the human will have 400 ~ 500% vision. With that vision you do not need a telescope to look at the stars, or to see the rings of Saturn with your own eyes, or maybe you have a genetic predisposition, that you even develop a microscopic vision.
May the great vision be with you. And do not forget to mention Bates. |